About Me

Hello again! My name is Atakan, I am full-stack web developer who lives in Ankara, Turkey. I have this strange passion about making and breaking things on the world wide web. Despite holding a bachelor's degree in sociology, I find myself more drawn to investigating, researching, and fixing codebase issues than focusing on societal matters.

I've been involved in website development since as early as 2012, and ever since then, I've been crafting websites and web apps with great enthusiasm.

My primary expertise is in developing WordPress-based solutions for the range of businesses from startups to enterprises. I am also quite obsessed about web performance, so you may guess how I am looking JS-based solutions nowadays.

Besides brainstorming for new projects, I am trying really hard to investing time for my open-source projects in my spare time.

Currently, I'm pushing the boundaries of WordPress at Pangolia, taking it to new heights!.

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